Our Youth Space is the first one in the region of Sliven, Bulgaria and it is one of the very first ones in Bulgaria. The space is created and devoted with a lot of love and youth enthusiasm. Our organisation united its efforts in order to create a space, where the youth of Sliven will regularly gather, exchange ideas, become better versions of themselves and grow as active, engaged, caring for their community and developing their democratic and freedom defending mindset.
The space is in the colours of the European Union - blue and yellow
The space is developed in a non-formal learning style, and it has all of the conditions to provide a comfortable non-formal learning environment
The youth space is so inspirational for every youngster that attends our regular Erasmus+ meetings that they already have ideas of starting their podcast; others are coming here to develop their own youth project ideas and turn them into reality - thanks to ESC and Erasmus+ .After our regular Erasmus+ meetings, we often organise Board games nights, movie nights and non-formal games such as “Sliven is looking for a talent”.

The youth space is created with the sole goal of creating and uniting the community of the active youth of Sliven; to create a comfortable non-formal learning environment and to support our mission as Erasmus+ ambassadors