During the Small scale KA2 Erasmus+ Project "Youth against Antisemitism", the project consortium managed to cooperate and learn from each other on the topics of Antisemitism. hate speech, tolerance and how we can increase the levels of organisational understanding on such complicated issues. During the duration of the project we managed to generated a lot of ideas for reducing hate speech, antisemitism, and prejudices altogether with partners from North Macedonia 🇲🇰, Czech Republic 🇨🇿 and Slovakia 🇸🇰 and we deeply inspired each other for further actions in the field 📌

During the project we had four meetings offline, and 12 online - on which we managed to develop a clear strategy and understanding on the antisemitism and hate speech issue, by transferring the gained cooperational knowledge to other NGO's, youngsters, youth workers and citizens.

At the first meeting of "Youth against antisemitism" in Prerov, we managed to discuss a lot of strategies for tackling antisemitism, we exchanged the best practices on the topic of discrimination and now we are going to transfer all this knowledge to the youngsters in our communities. 👧🏻👦🏻🇪🇺
We discussed the European values to preserve and create peace in Europe. We exchanged the best practices by conducting workshops on anti-Semitism and ethics, and a workshop on stereotypes and prejudices.
Creating Peace and keeping it is a challenge for the youth in Europe and that is why we managed to develop an awareness of the Jewish history the first meeting of the project has been able to give us a lot of impulses for a European culture of peace in our home countries.
A special highlight of the meeting was the visit to the oldest Jewish cemetery, the synagogue, and learning more about the Jewish history in Olomouc.

The second cooperational meeting was held in Zilina, Slovakia. During the meeting we had the opportunity to learn more about more ways of tackling discrimination, racism and antisemitism. 💢
We exchanged good practices in our round tables and discussion activities. 💭
Currently, we and our partnering organisations have the capacity to handle such issues and keep using the best examples in our future youth work.
Academy for Active Youth hosted in Sofia 🇪🇺- the third meeting of the “Youth against antisemitism” project. The meeting was the very first where we were hosting a cooperation meeting and it that was the best way to apply all the learned from the previous project meetings 🗓
During the meeting, we exchanged a lot of good practices and were able to apply the strategies for successful cooperation 🍀
We discussed unique facts such as that Bulgaria was the only country that has not sent its jews to concentration camps and that only the Bulgarian Jews were saved from the Holocaust and Hitler. One of the facts from which Bulgaria is deeply proud of thanks to king Boris the Third, who was brave enough to oppose to Hitler. Unfortunately, right after saving the Bulgarian jews, he was killed by Hitler. But the good deed he did will always be remembered.
We discussed ways of reducing antisemitism and hate speech with professionals in the field of history and nonformal learning.
The successful practices which we have exchanged during the meeting will be applied in our organization and the gained knowledge will be transferred to the youth and the youth workers of Academy for Active youth.
For our last meeting of the project “Youth against antisemitism” we met in Skopje, North Macedonia.
The meeting was very fruitful because we managed to share numerous good cooperation practices, the best examples, as well as going deeper into the topics of antisemitism, hate speech and intolerance.
These topics are very relevant to all of the participating countries, each in a different way and region specifics.
Because of the importance of less hate speech, discriminatory behaviors and antisemitism we are continuing the sustainability of the project by developing further, broader impacts.
We already started working on a bigger cooperational project on the topic. Stay tuned ))
The project is fully funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union