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Your passion


Updated: Apr 6, 2021

Hey, have you ever ask yourself what is your passion?

We from Аcademy for Active Youth will help you found out with 5 basic question you should ask yourself!

1. What is something that you are really good at doing? Something that comes naturally to you? Something that you do with hardly any effort or difficulty?

2. What is one thing that when you do it, you forget about the time, about eating, about using the bathroom, or about any of your responsibilities?

3.What is something that you can talk about for hours, and when you talk about it, it lights you up, gets you excited, and gives you energy?

4.What is something that you loved to do as a child?

What do you love learning about? What sorts of books do you like to read? What kinds of topics are you interested in? What classes would you take if you could learn something new?

And just remember that the reason you're doing this is to make your life better !


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