The Grass Is Greener, where you water it

The main objective of the youth exchange was to empower disadvantaged and vulnerable youth, in particular, youth with fewer opportunities and to help them start a career in the agricultural sector and to consider it as a livelihood option. By implementing this project we empowered young people to actively participate in the rural development of their countries. Agriculture and rural development are rarely portrayed in the media and in general as a young people's game. That is why we are working on creating an attitude in youngsters that agriculture is not outdated, fulfilled only with a lot of hard work and unprofitable. The project implementation aimed to show exactly the opposite- that agriculture is actual, fulfilling and profitable.

Spending this week with the youngsters giving them motivation, informal knowledge, practical and entrepreneurial skills, confidence and implementing a mindset in them that they can make a difference and impact in the agriculture of their countries and Europe is what we aimed for. Aiming to change mindsets among young people and encourage them to enter agriculture and rural development. Making agriculture attractive and remunerative for youth is why we successfully implemented this project.