We all have heard the “Women can do it” slogan- one of the most powerful slogans in the fight for gender equality. Our youth work, though, has shown us that there is one specific group of women and girls that is very left behind in the battle for equal rights, and that is the Romani. Although there is much more to be done, nowadays, women in Europe improve their rights and enjoy more and more freedom. Somehow though, that process is stagnating, with the feeling of being stopped in time for the Romani girls and women.

Berlin Uncovered: Stories, First Impressions & Cultural Conversations

Moments from Berlin: Knowledge and Discovery
hile there is an active and broad discussion on women's empowerment, there is a strong need for the Romani woman's empowerment to become one of the priorities in the movement because any inequality out there- for the more vulnerable is always worse and even more catastrophic. Romani women continue to face intense pressure from their families and the Roma community - to comply with specific customs and traditions that are entirely degrading to women. Roma women and girls appear to be disadvantaged in all sectors of society, not only compared to the general population but also to the men of their community. Therefore, they appear as one of the most vulnerable groups within and across the European states.
The current project is entirely inspired by the young and motivated Romani girls that suggested that we need to shake the system of the Roma community and do what no one else has done in Sliven and even in Bulgaria - to implement an Erasmus+ youth participation project entirely aiming to empower and motivate Romani women to be strong and independent. Our organization needs to provide the best for its participants, and that is why we need to gain expertise in the field of gender equality, more specifically in terms of Romani women. Only when you are familiar with one in-depth issue can you support solving it. We work a lot on youth participation, and we feel the need to work on legitimizing young Roma engagement in decision-making arenas.
Exploring Erasmus+ Through the Voices of Berlin
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